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Splits for course 4

Results for Class M40S
Length 6.6km, 125m climb, 16 controls (course 4)

  1  Anthony Hall (M50)       SYO     74:57  11.4 m/km
  2  Daniel Roth              OD      77:08  11.7
  3  James Burton             SYO     80:56  12.3
  4  Andy Sykes (M50)         DVO     81:54  12.4
  5  Tom Hartland             IND     90:00  13.6
  6  David Sissons            NOC     91:02  13.8
  7  James Prince (M45)       IND     91:11  13.8
  8  Tony Stirland            DVO    104:11  15.8
  9  Gary Kelsall (M45)       IND    122:49  18.6

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