Results for DVO Informal Event, Cambridge Woods, 24/01/2015

White, Yellow, Orange, Lt Green
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White (length 1.5km, climb 65m, 12 controls)

  1  Alessandra Edwards              DVO W10  21:10 
  2  Tom Jordan                          M18  29:36 
  3  William Hutchinson                  M7   34:12 
  4  Lewis Billington                    M8   43:12 
  5  E-card 1392622                           73:26 
     ------------White standard-------------
mp   Leo Crown                       DVO M10  26:16 Missing no 1

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Lt Green
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Yellow (length 1.4km, climb 80m, 10 controls)

  1  Jake Bayley                 ABBOTTS M10  17:16 
  2  Leo Conway                  ABBOTTS M11  18:46 
  3  Lewis Billington                    M8   23:30 
  4  Enys Lloyd                    POTOC M10  23:44 
  5  Trevor Tatler                       M40  23:53 
  6  Jackie Anderson                     W40  41:55 
     ------------Yellow standard------------
  7  Chloe Stone / Nicole Clarke ABBOTTS W11  46:30 
  8  Yvonne Green / Helene Morland            58:30 
mp   Harrison Dodd                ABBOTS M11  51:25 Missing no 5
     Cameron Beaton              ABBOTTS M11  dns   
     Aimee Mayfield              ABBOTTS W9   rtd   Missing nos 6-10
     Lucy Bednall & Abbie            ABBOTTS  rtd   Missing nos 3,7-8; 3 out of order

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Lt Green
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Orange (length 2.5km, climb 120m, 14 controls)

  1  John Green                          IND  68:09 
  2  Lucy Bednall                ABBOTTS W10  73:44 
  3  Isabella Edwards                DVO W14  92:14 
  4  Martin Simms / Karen Curtiss  1020 MW50 100:29 
     ------------Orange standard------------
  5  Stephen Knowles                 DVO M60 108:45 
mp   Chrs Jordan                         M35  84:50 Missing nos 10,12
mp   Clare Labram                        W40  87:37 Missing nos 12-13
     John Holmes / Clodagh Fergus   IND MW50  rtd   5 out of order

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Lt Green
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Lt Green (length 2.6km, climb 145m, 17 controls)

  1  Chris Lambert                 SHUOC M21  36:05 
  2  David Pettit                    DVO M21  41:38 
  3  Andy Hawkins                    DVO M65  42:53 
  4  Paul Hudson                     NOC M50  42:59 
  5  Russell Buxton                  DVO M55  43:32 
  6  Richard Pilsbury                    M21  45:52 
  7  Derek Gale                      DVO M70  46:42 
  8  Malcolm Spencer                 DVO M55  47:04 
  9  Kim Buxton                      DVO W50  47:33 
n/c  Sarah Duckworth                 DVO W14  48:38 
 10  Lester Hartmann                 DVO M55  54:24 
 11  William Chandler            STANTON M45  54:36 
 12  Lynden Hartmann                 DVO W60  55:37 
 13  Tim Cairns                      DVO M50  60:50 
 14  Roger Eccleston                 STANTON  65:09 
 15  Jonathan Payman                 DVO M21  65:14 
 16  Pauline Ward                    DVO W70  67:36 
 17  Ed Book                                  70:31 
 18  Jane Burgess                    DVO W55  72:08 
 19  Ray Stuart                      DVO M65  73:06 
 20  John Woodall                    NOC M75  73:33 
     ------------Green standard-------------
 21  Kevin McNee                     DVO M45  75:32 
 22  Donna Hawkins                   DVO W50  81:22 
 23  Amanda Price                    DVO W50  84:13 
 24  Grace Pennell                   DVO W14  84:36 
 25  Tersa Billington              10.20 W45  86:09 
 26  Clare Hawkins                       W21  88:27 
 27  Dawn Moore                      DVO W60  90:23 
 28  Sarah Parkin                    DVO W40  96:45 
mp   Rosemary Hartmann             SHUOC W21  50:58 Missing no 12
mp   Ewan Lloyd                    POTOC M14  65:39 Missing nos 11-12
     Simon Davis                     DVO M50  dnf   No finish time
     Ann Armistead                   DVO W65  dns   
     Jen Gale                        DVO W65  rtd   Missing nos 11-16
     Emily May Lloyd               POTOC W12  rtd   Missing nos 4,7-15
     Samuel Davis                    DVO M14  rtd   Missing nos 9-12
     Brian Ward                      DVO M80  rtd   Missing nos 7-17
     Joel McGraw                         M11  rtd   Missing nos 9-16
     Sarah McGraw                        IND  rtd   Missing nos 9-16
     Rachel Davis                    DVO W50  rtd   Missing nos 13-16

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Lt Green
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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @