Splits for Longshaw Try O, Longshaw, 19/08/2015

Family, Senior
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Family (length 3.0km, 7 controls)

                                                               1[101]       2[102]       3[103]       4[104]       5[105]       6[106]       7[107]      Finish
  1  Henry McDonald                                   20:02    0:41(2)      2:41(2)      4:23(2)      7:08(2)     10:24(2)     15:12(2)     18:10(2)     20:02(1)   
                                                               0:41(2)      2:00(2=)     1:42(1)      2:45(4)      3:16(4=)     4:48(6)      2:58(6)      1:52(2)   
  2  Anya Linsky                                      20:33    0:46(5)      2:56(5)      4:48(5)      7:29(5)     10:42(3)     15:48(4)     18:23(3)     20:33(2)   
                                                               0:46(5)      2:10(5)      1:52(4)      2:41(2=)     3:13(2)      5:06(7)      2:35(2=)     2:10(4=)  
  3  Alexandra Crawshaw                               20:58    0:52(8)      3:06(6)      5:08(6)      8:17(6=)    11:33(6)     15:55(5)     18:30(4)     20:58(3)   
     EPOC, W10                                                 0:52(8)      2:14(6)      2:02(7)      3:09(7)      3:16(4=)     4:22(4)      2:35(2=)     2:28(8)   
  4  Reuben Hawley                                    21:28    0:49(7)      3:26(12)     5:29(10)     8:45(10)    11:59(9)     16:27(7)     19:08(5)     21:28(4)   
                                                               0:49(7)      2:37(13)     2:03(8=)     3:16(9)      3:14(3)      4:28(5)      2:41(4)      2:20(7)   
  5  Erin Bettison                                    21:40    0:39(1)      1:24(1)      3:08(1)      6:22(1)      9:32(1)     13:46(1)     15:28(1)     21:40(5)   
                                                               0:39(1)      0:45(1)      1:44(2)      3:14(8)      3:10(1)      4:14(2)      1:42(1)      6:12(22)  
  6  Ben O'Donnell                                    22:05    0:45(3=)     3:17(8)      5:20(7)      8:37(9)     11:53(7)     16:14(6)     19:36(6)     22:05(6)   
                                                               0:45(3=)     2:32(10)     2:03(8=)     3:17(10)     3:16(4=)     4:21(3)      3:22(9)      2:29(9)   
  7  Ben Mackervoy                                    23:31    0:54(10=)    3:21(10)     5:27(9)      8:26(8)     11:56(8)     17:45(9)     20:56(7)     23:31(7)   
                                                               0:54(10=)    2:27(9)      2:06(10)     2:59(6)      3:30(7)      5:49(10)     3:11(8)      2:35(12)  
  8  Martha Linsky &  Reuben                          24:48    1:00(14)     3:24(11)     5:23(8)      8:17(6=)    13:11(10)    19:57(10)    23:00(8)     24:48(8)   
                                                               1:00(14)     2:24(8)      1:59(6)      2:54(5)      4:54(12)     6:46(13)     3:03(7)      1:48(1)   
  9  Jake O'Donnell                                   27:23    0:53(9)      2:53(3=)     4:46(4)      7:27(4)     11:26(5)     15:26(3)     25:14(11)    27:23(9)   
                                                               0:53(9)      2:00(2=)     1:53(5)      2:41(2=)     3:59(8)      4:00(1)      9:48(30)     2:09(3)   
 10  Jonah Stanley Matt Aldridge                      27:26    0:54(10=)    3:28(13)     6:27(12)    10:31(12)    15:09(12)    20:50(11)    24:52(10)    27:26(10)  
     9                                                         0:54(10=)    2:34(12)     2:59(13)     4:04(13)     4:38(10)     5:41(9)      4:02(11)     2:34(11)  
 11  Leo Crown                                        27:46    0:47(6)      2:53(3=)     4:39(3)      7:15(3)     11:23(4)     16:37(8)     24:15(9)     27:46(11)  
                                                               0:47(6)      2:06(4)      1:46(3)      2:36(1)      4:08(9)      5:14(8)      7:38(28)     3:31(18)  
 12  Peter McNee                                      27:54    0:45(3=)     3:18(9)      5:44(11)     9:18(11)    14:07(11)    21:44(12)    25:44(12)    27:54(12)  
                                                               0:45(3=)     2:33(11)     2:26(11)     3:34(11)     4:49(11)     7:37(16)     4:00(10)     2:10(4=)  
 13  Nat, Artie, Grace & Catherine                    29:35    1:21(20)     4:04(14)     7:29(16)    12:41(16)    17:57(16)    24:20(14)    27:17(13)    29:35(13)  
     7-11                                                      1:21(20)     2:43(14)     3:25(17)     5:12(17)     5:16(14)     6:23(12)     2:57(5)      2:18(6)   
 14  Alex & Sophia Dungworth                          31:56    1:02(15)     4:36(18)     7:26(15)    12:08(15)    17:34(15)    25:04(16)    29:15(15)    31:56(14)  
                                                               1:02(15)     3:34(17)     2:50(12)     4:42(15)     5:26(15=)    7:30(15)     4:11(12)     2:41(14)  
 15  Freya Tryner                                     32:57    1:05(16)     4:10(15)     7:17(13)    11:18(13)    16:32(13)    22:34(13)    29:39(16)    32:57(15)  
                                                               1:05(16)     3:05(15)     3:07(14)     4:01(12)     5:14(13)     6:02(11)     7:05(25)     3:18(17)  
 16  Martha Linsky                                    32:58    0:55(12)     3:13(7)      7:19(14)    12:03(14)    17:29(14)    24:22(15)    28:39(14)    32:58(16)  
                                                               0:55(12)     2:18(7)      4:06(21)     4:44(16)     5:26(15=)    6:53(14)     4:17(13)     4:19(20)  
 17  Daniel Webster                                   36:30    1:41(22=)    5:23(19)     8:34(19)    13:11(17)    19:23(17)    28:17(17)    33:27(17)    36:30(17)  
     6                                                         1:41(22=)    3:42(19)     3:11(15)     4:37(14)     6:12(18)     8:54(18)     5:10(15)     3:03(15)  
 18  Jacob Wright Toby Marshall                       39:01    1:14(18)     4:26(16)     7:38(17)    17:56(19)    23:28(18)    31:21(18)    35:49(18)    39:01(18)  
                                                               1:14(18)     3:12(16)     3:12(16)    10:18(25)     5:32(17)     7:53(17)     4:28(14)     3:12(16)  
 19  Savannah Wright, Jess Pritchard & Maddy          49:20    1:17(19)     5:38(20=)    9:29(20)    19:54(20)    27:06(20)    40:47(20)    46:47(20)    49:20(19)  
                                                               1:17(19)     4:21(21)     3:51(20)    10:25(26)     7:12(19)    13:41(26)     6:00(18)     2:33(10)  
 20  Jago Reynolds                                    53:26    1:44(25)     6:46(22)    10:27(21)    16:36(18)    24:07(19)    34:28(19)    41:56(19)    53:26(20)  
     3                                                         1:44(25)     5:02(22)     3:41(18)     6:09(20)     7:31(22)    10:21(19)     7:28(27)    11:30(29)  
 21  Henry McDonald                                   55:13    1:43(24)     8:17(23=)   15:16(23)    25:51(23)    33:17(22)    46:22(22)    52:37(21)    55:13(21)  
                                                               1:43(24)     6:34(24)     6:59(26)    10:35(27)     7:26(21)    13:05(24)     6:15(19)     2:36(13)  
 22  Robin Hutchinson                                 57:54    7:16(32)    15:06(30)    20:01(27)    26:02(24)    34:28(23)    47:20(23)    53:46(23)    57:54(22)  
     4                                                         7:16(32)     7:50(27)     4:55(22)     6:01(19)     8:26(23)    12:52(23)     6:26(21)     4:08(19)  
 23  Lydia Peto                                       60:11    2:01(28)     8:36(25)    14:24(22)    22:50(21)    31:50(21)    46:14(21)    53:03(22)    60:11(23)  
                                                               2:01(28)     6:35(25)     5:48(23)     8:26(22)     9:00(25)    14:24(28)     6:49(22)     7:08(27)  
 24  James and Henry Wilson&Jane Wilson               60:14    1:27(21)     8:17(23=)   16:01(24)    25:44(22)    36:39(24)    48:12(24)    54:11(24)    60:14(24)  
                                                               1:27(21)     6:50(26)     7:44(28)     9:43(24)    10:55(28)    11:33(21)     5:59(17)     6:03(21)  
 25  Mrs C Brice                                      67:50    1:41(22=)    5:38(20=)   25:33(29)    31:02(26)    38:25(25)    48:53(25)    56:15(25)    67:50(25)  
     8                                                         1:41(22=)    3:57(20)    19:55(31)     5:29(18)     7:23(20)    10:28(20)     7:22(26)    11:35(30)  
 26  Min Ward                                         68:28    2:11(30)    15:03(29)    21:54(28)    32:42(29)    42:02(27)    55:56(27)    61:53(26)    68:28(26)  
     W7                                                        2:11(30)    12:52(30)     6:51(24=)   10:48(28)     9:20(26)    13:54(27)     5:57(16)     6:35(25)  
 27  Zoe Newton                                       75:39    1:58(27)    11:32(28)    18:23(26)    31:16(27)    44:35(28)    59:23(28)    68:18(27)    75:39(27)  
                                                               1:58(27)     9:34(29)     6:51(24=)   12:53(29)    13:19(29)    14:48(29)     8:55(29)     7:21(28)  
 28  Zack, Jasper and Noah                            77:40    0:56(13)     4:34(17)     8:16(18)    28:17(25)    45:35(29)    64:24(29)    71:26(28)    77:40(28)  
                                                               0:56(13)     3:38(18)     3:42(19)    20:01(31)    17:18(30)    18:49(30)     7:02(24)     6:14(23)  
 29  Nicola Thompson                                 109:54    1:54(26)    18:20(32)    31:16(30)    39:59(30)    77:05(30)    96:46(30)   103:39(29)   109:54(29)  
                                                               1:54(26)    16:26(32)    12:56(29)     8:43(23)    37:06(31)    19:41(31)     6:53(23)     6:15(24)  
 30  Elliott Family                                  110:24    2:02(29)     9:59(27)    65:42(32)    73:48(31)    83:52(31)    97:21(31)   103:40(30)   110:24(30)  
                                                               2:02(29)     7:57(28)    55:43(32)     8:06(21)    10:04(27)    13:29(25)     6:19(20)     6:44(26)  
mp   Jacob Pritchard, Charlie Gratton, Max & William  57:41    2:13(31)     8:38(26)    16:02(25)    31:28(28)    40:04(26)    52:11(26)      ---        57:41      
                                                               2:13(31)     6:25(23)     7:24(27)    15:26(30)     8:36(24)    12:07(22)      ---         5:30      
mp   Kathryn Smith                                   201:59    1:07(17)    16:40(31)    33:20(31)    83:31(32)   146:49(32)   196:06(32)      ---       201:59      
                                                               1:07(17)    15:33(31)    16:40(30)    50:11(32)    63:18(32)    49:17(32)      ---         5:53      

Courses Family, Senior
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Senior (length 4.4km, 7 controls)

                                                               1[108]       2[109]       3[110]       4[111]       5[112]       6[113]       7[114]      Finish
  1  Aidan Smith                                      24:40    3:44(1)      9:08(1)     12:32(1)     14:54(1)     19:21(1)     21:16(1)     23:07(1)     24:40(1)   
     SYO, M20                                                  3:44(1)      5:24(1)      3:24(1)      2:22(1)      4:27(1)      1:55(1)      1:51(1)      1:33(1)   
  2  James Pringle                                    34:52    5:19(4)     12:54(2)     17:13(2)     20:39(2)     27:01(2)     30:07(2)     32:50(2)     34:52(2)   
                                                               5:19(4)      7:35(2)      4:19(2)      3:26(3)      6:22(4)      3:06(5)      2:43(4)      2:02(2)   
  3  Neil Harvatt                                     40:35    4:47(2)     12:59(3)     17:40(3)     26:27(4)     32:56(3)     35:27(3)     37:56(3)     40:35(3)   
     HALO, M55                                                 4:47(2)      8:12(3)      4:41(4)      8:47(11)     6:29(5)      2:31(2)      2:29(3)      2:39(5)   
  4  Sam Crawshaw                                     41:48    5:51(9)     15:35(5)     20:46(4)     25:56(3)     33:02(4)     36:33(4)     39:28(4)     41:48(4)   
     EPOC, M12                                                 5:51(9)      9:44(5)      5:11(6)      5:10(5)      7:06(7)      3:31(7)      2:55(5)      2:20(3)   
  5  Euan Tryner                                      45:29    5:14(3)     23:28(9)     27:56(8)     31:13(6)     37:26(6)     40:09(6)     42:32(6)     45:29(5)   
     SYO, M12                                                  5:14(3)     18:14(9)      4:28(3)      3:17(2)      6:13(3)      2:43(3)      2:23(2)      2:57(7)   
  6  Michelle Mackervoy                               46:37    5:41(8)     15:21(4)     21:42(5)     26:33(5)     33:36(5)     37:01(5)     41:39(5)     46:37(6)   
     DVO, W45                                                  5:41(8)      9:40(4)      6:21(8)      4:51(4)      7:03(6)      3:25(6)      4:38(10)     4:58(11)  
  7  Peter Mackervoy                                  57:36    5:37(6)     18:07(6)     26:46(6)     31:57(7)     42:55(7)     47:13(7)     52:14(7)     57:36(7)   
                                                               5:37(6)     12:30(7)      8:39(12)     5:11(6)     10:58(10)     4:18(10)     5:01(11)     5:22(13)  
  8  Lynden Hartmann                                  58:47    6:43(10)    22:11(8)     28:50(9)     35:43(8)     45:40(8)     49:47(8)     55:51(8)     58:47(8)   
     DVO, W60                                                  6:43(10)    15:28(8)      6:39(9)      6:53(9)      9:57(9)      4:07(9)      6:04(12)     2:56(6)   
  9  George Jackson                                   63:30    7:08(11)    19:34(7)     27:30(7)     39:13(9)     50:19(9)     55:10(9)     59:43(9)     63:30(9)   
     M70/W60                                                   7:08(11)    12:26(6)      7:56(10)    11:43(15)    11:06(11)     4:51(12)     4:33(9)      3:47(9)   
 10  Jackie Butcher                                   65:13    8:02(13)    29:03(10)    37:05(10)    42:33(10)    52:05(10)    56:50(10)    61:19(10)    65:13(10)  
     SYO, W50                                                  8:02(13)    21:01(10)     8:02(11)     5:28(7)      9:32(8)      4:45(11)     4:29(8)      3:54(10)  
 11  Kevin Mcnee                                      67:01    5:39(7)     33:58(12)    38:54(12)    52:47(12)    58:44(11)    61:32(11)    64:34(11)    67:01(11)  
                                                               5:39(7)     28:19(14)     4:56(5)     13:53(17)     5:57(2)      2:48(4)      3:02(6)      2:27(4)   
 12  Matt McNee                                       76:14    5:30(5)     31:29(11)    37:16(11)    51:42(11)    63:01(12)    66:57(12)    73:02(12)    76:14(12)  
                                                               5:30(5)     25:59(12)     5:47(7)     14:26(18)    11:19(12)     3:56(8)      6:05(13)     3:12(8)   
 13  Mirie Gallacher                                 101:18   12:46(15)    44:51(14)    57:14(14)    67:57(14)    82:19(14)    89:36(14)    95:58(13)   101:18(13)  
                                                              12:46(15)    32:05(15)    12:23(14)    10:43(14)    14:22(13)     7:17(14)     6:22(14)     5:20(12)  
 14  Fiona Wilson                                    104:49   11:44(14)    37:55(13)    50:07(13)    63:23(13)    79:21(13)    87:32(13)    96:20(14)   104:49(14)  
                                                              11:44(14)    26:11(13)    12:12(13)    13:16(16)    15:58(14)     8:11(15)     8:48(18)     8:29(16)  
 15  Lucas Bardon                                    152:21   53:20(17)    77:45(15)    90:33(15)    98:11(15)   115:37(15)   139:28(15)   146:41(15)   152:21(15)  
                                                              53:20(17)    24:25(11)    12:48(15)     7:38(10)    17:26(15)    23:51(17)     7:13(16)     5:40(14)  
 16  Catherine Bale                                  167:32   43:02(16)    78:05(16)    94:41(16)   105:19(16)   141:33(16)   151:35(16)   158:45(16)   167:32(16)  
                                                              43:02(16)    35:03(16)    16:36(16)    10:38(13)    36:14(17)    10:02(16)     7:10(15)     8:47(17)  
mp   Mr & Mrs G. Dolling                              98:43    7:24(12)      ---        47:48        56:58        77:25        82:41        91:24        98:43      
                                                               7:24(12)      ---        40:24         9:10(12)    20:27(16)     5:16(13)     8:43(17)     7:19(15)  

Courses Family, Senior
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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @ cix.co.uk