Results for EM League Event, Kedleston, 08/03/2015

Lost property:  Navy blue Lifa left in download tent, claim as below.

Our apologies for trimming the number 13 off the brown course map.

course results
course splits
downloadable file of splits in SPORTIdent CSV file format standard splits CSV. ...

Planner's comments

Having not seen Kedleston until five months ago and having heard the tales of woe from 2013 I knew it was going to be a challenge.

I wanted to use the whole park, to try and find new control sites, to stick within the technical guidelines, encourage the newcomers and cause oxygen deprivation for the longer TD5s who know the park so well that it is difficult to provide navigational challenge. I wanted to provide route choice wherever possible, use the garden a bit and ensure that we kept our hosts happy.

We had a terrific turnout with over 270 people, including lots of children and people new to orienteering.

Having a campervan which the NT allowed to stay in the car park overnight was very useful as transport, accommodation and somewhere to shelter in the rainy hour in the middle of Sunday.

There are lots of people to thank for today but I would like to single two people out. This was my first time as lead planner so I am hugely grateful to Andy Hawkins for his gentle and subtle guidance and encouragement. My friend Anne Cunningham visited the park with me four time in total and gave up her weekend to help put controls out. She then acted as first aider for the day as well as providing a constant supply of bacon rolls, coffee and hot cross buns for the team. She doesn't orienteer but has joined DVO so that she can provide first aid cover if required.

In summary, a huge learning curve, a lot of hours, a big team effort and a great weekend.

Jane Burgess

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