Gold for Simon at JK Sprint Race

Simon won M75 by just 4 seconds!

“And here comes Simon Brister of DVO into the finish … he takes the lead in the M75’s by four seconds …”  

To my great shock and disbelief, this is what I heard blaring from the loudspeakers as I crossed the finish line of the JK Sprint Race at Loughborough University.  Back at download, there it was in black and white.  Fourteen minutes and eleven seconds. 1st out of 31 in M75.
I knew that for once I’d run well, fast and careful, no slip-ups.  But with 52 runners in the class and 2 hours to go before the last competitors left the starting gate, I couldn’t really believe I could possibly win.  Time passed slowly.
Simon’s M75 course
We went down to watch the finish as the later starters would be due to appear.  I knew who to look out for!  Peter Gorvett of SYO.  I checked his start time and we counted down the seconds.  Tension was high … the last finishers sprinted and gasped over the line … it was over.
So, my first podium place in orienteering – and quite possibly my last – but a proud moment!


[Very well done Simon – some big scalps there!

As a perpetual tourist, I thought you might enjoy some detail about the Cedar of Lebanon outside the Edward Herbert Building, which served on Good Friday as an excellent Event Centre. In front of the tree, is Lynn Chadwick’s 1966 Witches sculpture. – Ed.]

Lynn Chadwick’s Witches in front of the veteran, snow-flattened cedar

Future events

Saturday 24 August 2024
Bradford Dale

Sunday 25 August 2024

Monday 26 August 2024
Matlock MapRun

Recent results

Sunday 14 July 2024

Saturday 22 June 2024
Allestree Park

Wednesday 12 June 2024

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Join DVO

Derwent Valley Orienteers are a friendly, active club with members throughout Derbyshire.

We welcome new members whatever your experience and can help you learn orienteering and how to improve, either informally or through coaching.

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We’re supported by the Orienteering Foundation

Thanks to a grant from the Orienteering Foundation, our Club is focusing on offering training courses for newcomers and help at local events in the Derby Area and beyond, but open to people from across Derbyshire.