- International Orienteering Federation
- British Orienteering Federation
- The Orienteering Foundation
- British Schools Orienteering Association
- East Midlands Orienteering Association
- East Midlands Junior Orienteering Squad
- On the Red Line
Links to neighbouring clubs
- Nottinghamshire Orienteering Club
- Leicestershire Orienteering Club
- Lincoln Orienteering Group
- Humberside and Lincolnshire Orienteers
- South Yorkshire Orienteers
- Walton Chasers
- Manchester and District Orienteering Club
- Potteries Orienteering Club
Links to magazines and news sites
Links to other UK sites.
- Nopesport UK’s own online orienteering forum
- Maprunner Simon Errington’s site which includes orienteering resources and links. Includes an interesting article on ten ways to be a better orienteer
- Splitsbrowser Page which enables help you analyse your splits times
- Running with David – A site run by Dave Denton who runs many running races in the Derwent Valley
- Compasspoint – Orienteering retailer
- Emit Site where you can buy Emit cards. (Also includes a guide on how to use the cards)
Links to worldwide sites.
- World of ‘O’
- OCAD Premier map drawing program Go to downloads for free version 6
- Catching Features A computer game of orienteering. You can even have online competitions with other orienteers.
- Attackpoint USA based web page which is themed on Performance training for Orienteering
- Routegadget A page where you can look at some events and see the routes people took at the events
- IOF maps IOF Map Commission site with links to help and online map libraries
Links to Orienteers personal sites.
- Okansas Web diary (blog) by an American with daily thoughts on orienteering
- Thierry Gueorgiou Web page of World Champion orienteer. Includes links to maps and training tips
- Graham Gristwood Blog of member of British Orienteering squad