Mike & Liz’s Multiple-choice Sendoff!

Mike chatting with the Luckings (NOC), Mike Gardner and Dave Nevell with Twiggy ... and presentation at the pub!

The Godfrees’ sendoff at Rex’s postponed urban event, John Port Spencer Academy in Etwall

A relocation can be something of a moveable feast, especially when you’re selling in England and buying in Scotland. Finally, most things fell into place, and the Committee decided to make Etwall (postponed 6 weeks due to rain) into the Godfrees’ sendoff. Mike and Liz have been the engine room of the Club for 40 years and have now moved to Callander, so Jane had plenty of nuggets for her multiple-choice Mike & Liz Quiz, with questions at each control (Q&As below)!

Mike emailed Newstrack once in Scotland:

Thank you DVO and friends for a magnificent send off at the Etwall event. Such a well-kept secret that we nearly didn’t continue to the Seven Wells! And thank you for the gifts. The OS map has already been used – the only snag with a custom map centred on your own house is that every walk from the house keeps crossing a fold!

As many of you know we started orienteering around 1987, introduced by our neighbours in Mickleover, the Seastons. John and Paul had been introduced by Roger Wilkinson at St Benedict’s School and when they started being taken by Tony to events he got bored waiting for them so had a go himself.  Then thought David and Chris would enjoy the sport. That led to it becoming a major part of all our lives. Tony died recently and we have met John at several events this year as his son Ben competes with MV at major events.  Even John was coerced into an MV relay team at Stanton Moor.

We are still settling into our new house in Callander, west of Stirling. Still a sea of boxes made worse by the vendor leaving behind 3 double beds etc so our removal men couldn’t put our furniture in the correct places. Fortunately the local tip is only a quarter of a mile away and one of our new neighbours pointed out that you have to make a booking to use it!

There is space on the front drive for a camper van with a view of Ben Ledi.  Book early to avoid disappointment!

Ben Ledi, the Godfrees’ local hill!

And of course, we have already taken the chance to walk up Ben Ledi so that is one more Corbett ticked off on the list. This is the view from the summit. Our house is just left of the lake in the view.

We will value our life membership of DVO and doubtless will see many of you at major events starting with WOC Tour in Edinburgh (must get a Scottish OAP bus pass in time!) and WMOC in Finland.

All the best, Mike & Liz

Shipley Park 8/10/22 British Schools Score Champs: Mike doing Results with the Gales & Liz with Ann-Marie distributing Haribos (& home-grown apples)

The Mike & Liz Quiz

  1. Before they lived in Ashbourne, where in Derby was their home?
    Sinfin, Elvaston, Littleover, Mickleover
  2. Which 2 of these 4 are not Godfree offspring?
    Michael, Stephen, Chris, David
  3. Mike is for DVO a very knowledgeable
    Mapper, Planner, Download Team Leader, Stile builder
  4. The Godfrees have lived in Ashbourne for …
    15 years, 20 years, 25 years, 18 years
    [and DVO members have benefitted from donations of apples and courgettes for this long! Ed.]
  5. Mike & Liz first met…
    At a distant cousin’s wedding in Greenock, Climbing Ben Nevis, Queuing at MacDonald’s in Callander, On an HF holiday
  6. In which year did they get married?
    1972, 1975, 1984, 1968
  7. Mike’s map in 1989, featuring a special symbol for a horse jump, was of which area?
    Chatsworth Park, Elvaston Park, Shipley Park, Calke Park
  8. Mike once authored a thrilling technical report IMAM19. What was this about?
    Orienteering course planning software
    Automatic fingerprint recognition
    Orienteering results processing software
    Code of practice for FORTRAN programming
  9. Mike & Liz were once joint EMEWS editors. Who was nominated the DVO Sports Personality in their first issue? Bonus point for why they were nominated.
    Mike Godfree, Graham Johnson, Liz Godfree, Viv Macdonald

    For the bonus point: Liz won SPOTY because she was in the loo when Viv came in on the second leg of the relay.

  10. The Godfree family made their CompassSport Cup debut at Brimham Rocks in 1986. Who scored most points?
    Mike Godfree, Liz Godfree, David Godfree, Chris Godfree
  11. Liz captained the DVO Team to 4th place in the 2013 CSCup Final. Where was it held?
    Cannock Chase, Forest of Dean, Lake District, Trossachs
  12. Mike first organised an event in which area?
    Kedleston Park, Allestree Park, Cromford Moor, Robin Wood
  13. Liz won the World Masters Sprint W60 class in which country?
    Portugal, Spain, Sweden, New Zealand
  14. Mike won the DVO Club Champs senior class in 1996 on which area?
    Carsington, Ilam, Longshaw, Cromford Moor
  15. In 2013 Liz was at a winning relay team at …
    JK, British, Both, None
  16. The Godfrees organised and planned the first DVO New Years Day event in 1989 on which area?
    Kedleston Park, Allestree Park, Cromford Moor, Robin Wood
    [urgghhhh, what would we do on New Years Day without orienteering? There are only so many times you can watch Ben-Hur! Ed.]
  17. In which discipline has Mike been on the M65 British Championships podium?
    Long distance, Middle distance, Sprint, Night
  18. Mike recently had a new …
    Dibber, Smartphone, Hip, Pair of running shorts
  19. What does Mike most like to do when not orienteering?
    Bridge, Watch football, Hill walking, Line dancing
  20. Who successfully encouraged Mike & Liz to join DVO?
    John Hurley, John Hopper, Roz Clayton, Tony Seaston
A packed Seven Wells for food, quiz answers and presentation!

Future events

Saturday 24 August 2024
Bradford Dale

Sunday 25 August 2024

Monday 26 August 2024
Matlock MapRun

Recent results

Sunday 14 July 2024

Saturday 22 June 2024
Allestree Park

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Routegadget (view routes)

MapRun Results

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Derwent Valley Orienteers are a friendly, active club with members throughout Derbyshire.

We welcome new members whatever your experience and can help you learn orienteering and how to improve, either informally or through coaching.

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We’re supported by the Orienteering Foundation

Thanks to a grant from the Orienteering Foundation, our Club is focusing on offering training courses for newcomers and help at local events in the Derby Area and beyond, but open to people from across Derbyshire.