The fun of the mass finish!
Club members took on courses of 2k, 3.8k and 6k today – handicapped across all three for a mass finish at noon! This was remarkably accurate, as Chris our last starter – and winner – on Long finished at 12:03. Full results here.
The Club Champs is always a sociable occasion and this year it was great to see DVO relatives from New Zealand. Afterwards we ate in the Green Room, while controls were collected, in readiness for the trophy presentation:
- Richard N won the Chris Yardley Trophy for first man across the finish line
- Viv won the Judy Buckley Trophy as first woman
- Chris won the Peter Bourne Trophy for fastest man
- Claire won the Karen Jackson Trophy for fastest woman
- Imogen was our fastest junior and won the Lithuanian Trophy

Read about the background to the trophies and previous winners here.
Awards were awarded as follows:
Orienteer of the Year: Liz for placing Silver in the World Masters Sprint Final in Slovakia, plus 4th in the Middle and 9th in the Classic Distance.
Junior Orienteer of the Year: Rachel Duckworth for winning W20E at the British & JK, and taking part in the Junior World Orienteering Championships in Romania, where she ran for GB in 4 disciplines! We’ll present this over Zoom when Rachel’s kindly agreed to speak at our AGM!
Most Enthusiastic Newcomer: Nerijus Rozkovas for his 3 wins in 16 events this year, and helping collect controls and at the finish.
Most Improved Orienteer: Jane Burgess, whose rankings show first places at Church Hill and November Classic as well as good runs at SINS on days 2 and 3 and the Scottish 6 days on days 4 and 5. This year Jane won the East Midlands Champs in Clumber in January and is currently 2nd in the EM League and 1st in the EM Urban league. This is as well as some impressive results
further afield.
David Parkin Trophy for Services to DVO: Sal and Dave Chaffey; Sal for editing Newstrack for 10 years, Dave for maintaining the SI kit and helping with the website relaunch.
Newstrack Contributor of the Year: Graham for his tales from events in Ireland, Belgium and France.
Sports Personality of the Year (poll on the day): John for his 5000km bike ride to take in JWOC in Romania, the OO-Cup in Slovenia and World Masters in Slovakia.

Thanks to Andrew Middleton for the handicapping, Jane Burgess (Organiser), Helen Chiswell (Planner) and Viv and Ranald Macdonald as Masters of Ceremony!