DVO’s Wednesday Runs

A cold morning run earlier in 2024 that took in the trig point at Black Rocks, great lunch afterwards.

John Hawkins reviews almost 40 years of weekly DVO training runs, tea, pints and gossip …

When I joined DVO back in February 1987 I was most impressed to find that there was a weekly training run.  This alternated between Allestree (the Buckleys) and Duffield (the Wilkinsons).  In those times something like 20 to 30 members turned up and pounded the roads in the winter and the footpaths in the summer, we had fast and not so fast groups for both women and men.  It was an excellent initiative and really helped with fitness by having competitive runs with the others. [We came to Belper in 1996, and I seem to remember there even being an informal creche, i.e. Johnson girls looking after the younger children! Ed.]

The men usually started out reasonably fast until the last two or three miles when the competitive element would creep in with runners starting to stretch the pace to eventually ‘eye balls out’ for the last mile home.  It really was something.  Then back to base for a cup of tea, biscuits, bags of chat and then, of course, a visit to either the Abbey at Darley Abbey (currently closed) or the New Inn at Duffield (long closed and now a private residence).

It is now 2024 and what has happened to the Wednesday evening runs?  Well a few things however it is still going strong and providing great opportunities for training and socialising.  There have been changes including locations, now the Mackervoys (Allestree) and the Johnsons (somewhere near Belper) basically alternating as in 1987 during the winter period.  The age bracket is a little older, the people are mainly from the same group but with fewer.  It now usually starts at 6pm whereas it used to be 7pm, and during the lighter periods it now goes walkabout.  Between us we select pubs from around the region for the next Wednesday and Graham or Mike or someone sorts out an interesting route of somewhere near 10k in length.

If you were not aware of the runs then you are missing something really good.  The runs are not as fast as they used to be but are very good training and take in some excellent parts of mid Derbyshire.  This week we are meeting at the Malt Shovel, near Wirksworth at 6pm and I have no idea where we will be running but I am sure it will be on some interesting footpaths with some nice hills.

Everyone is most welcome to come along, have a run, and a glass in the pub at the end.  It would be really good to have a few more members come along either regularly or from time to time.  Graham Johnson and Mike Gardner are generally the ones who organise things and who can provide more information.  We also have a WhatsApp group which in particular gives the location for the next Wednesday.

If you can come along, everyone will be more than pleased to see you. Please contact Mike Gardner if you’d like further details.


Future events

Thursday 27 February 2025

Saturday 1 March 2025
Birchen Edge

Thursday 6 March 2025

Recent results

Saturday 8 February 2025
Belper Parks

Spring 2025
Derby Night MapRuns

Wednesday 1 January 2025
Derby City

Routegadget (view routes)

MapRun Results

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Derwent Valley Orienteers are a friendly, active club with members throughout Derbyshire.

We welcome new members whatever your experience and can help you learn orienteering and how to improve, either informally or through coaching.

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We’re supported by the Orienteering Foundation

Thanks to a grant from the Orienteering Foundation, our Club is focusing on offering training courses for newcomers and help at local events in the Derby Area and beyond, but open to people from across Derbyshire.