Peter Palmer Relays

DVO juniors in the 2024 Peter Palmer Relays

A report by EMJOS juniors from DVO, LOG and LEI

Juniors from the East Midlands (Josh, Imogen, Jessica and Cara) entered the Peter Palmer Relay 2024 “EMJOS Sprinters”– this year was hosted by WCOC on the northern hills near Cockermouth in the Lake District. The full 6-leg relay starts in the dark at 5am, but the Daybreak Bowl has 4 legs and is aimed at those with little night navigation as it should be light at the start (the name gives it away!).

The long trip to compete in the Daybreak Bowl Relay was filled with many memorable moments including icecream and a gentle stroll near Loweswater to stretch our legs. Thanks to Hywell and Ann-Marie for driving us there.

The organiser arranged for everyone to sleep in tents in the adjacent field – made interesting by a funny mishap as the local Scouts had accidentally put the tent inner in backwards, causing a bit of confusion and laughter as we tried to figure out the mess!

Whilst it was still light we all had a tasty tea from the fish and chip van that visited the field and went and had a good look at the run through and change-over pen layout.

Team EMJOS carb loading!

On the Sunday morning we all woke up early (4:30am) – much earlier than any of us are used to, so we could watch the start of the PPR. All of the competitors were wearing head torches and we could see their lights spreading in all directions around the hill. It was interesting to watch and enhanced by the commentary van being linked to GPS tracking bricks that we had in our pockets [Thanks to the Orienteering Foundation for paying for this.]

Mass Start of the 2024 Peter Palmer Relays

Half the team had never run a relay and were very nervous, but we all found the navigation easy enough although the steep hill at the start was hard work. We all enjoyed taking part and were pleased to get back to the finish (no mis-punches) and hand over. Cara on the final leg was pipped to 4th place (2 seconds) after racing with AIRE Hares for most of her course.

We all eagerly participated in the race, racing up the steep hills and avoiding the sheep, and cheering each other on. Our spirits were high with excitement. It was a weekend full of a blend of laughter, adventure and the kind of moments that stay with you for ever.

From O-dad Hywel Satherley:

“You did what!?” will be the replies from my colleagues as I try to explain to them that this weekend was my first go at the Peter Palmer Relay as O-chaperone, parent and taxi driver with EMJOS.  They’ll get more confused (and perhaps worried) when I explain the 250 mile round trip deep into the Lakes, to sleep in a field and at a smidge past 4am wake up to watch some youngsters, followed by my youngster, set off into the dark to poke a sticky thing at some flashy boxes hidden behind a wall, behind a tree or deep in a ditch.  I’ve been an O-dad for just short of a year and this race was perhaps the most fun, but crazy, that we’ve been to so far.

Having made the most basic of orienteering mistakes – relying on the SatNav in the Lakes having only removed paper maps a day or two earlier – we managed to arrive at Loweswater where we had a team-building walk up the nearest fell.  Then when suitably tired and hungry we made our way to a field – I’m not sure where – but it overlooked Ennerdale Water and had views out to the sea and the Scafell range. So spectacular is this place, that down at the water’s edge, Bill Clinton first proposed to Hillary!

From the field we had a quick look at the start and finish.  We tried to spot controls on the surrounding hills while Ann-Marie gave coaching advice and told stories which had the team hooked.  Back to the field with it’s village of tents.  Fish and chips followed.  Young O-folk are a noisy bunch, but at 10.30pm or thereabouts, everyone retired to their tents and it went eerily quiet. That was until 4.20am – almost immediately the field was alive again.  With warm clothes and head torches we set off up out of the field to watch the first racers set off.  It was DARK!  We watched for a while as their lights moved randomly around the hillside.

The EMJOS members were setting off at 6am for the Day Break Bowl race and our four did a great job. It was the first time that I’ve seen live GPS tracking. We watched the screens and as the race progressed there were moments of excitement and cringe. Folks at home were also able to watch the team navigate the course live and there was a little bit of commentary via WhatsApp. As our fourth and final leg came to an end – two runners came down the mountain and two dots moved across the electronic map. The runners disappeared from view, but the dots kept moving. They appeared again and in a very tight sprint finish EMJOS finished 4th. An excellent result for the relay team’s first outing together.  Orienteering is a great sport and I’m truly thankful that my daughter drags me along.




Future events

Thursday 27 February 2025

Saturday 1 March 2025
Birchen Edge

Thursday 6 March 2025

Recent results

Saturday 8 February 2025
Belper Parks

Spring 2025
Derby Night MapRuns

Wednesday 1 January 2025
Derby City

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MapRun Results

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Thanks to a grant from the Orienteering Foundation, our Club is focusing on offering training courses for newcomers and help at local events in the Derby Area and beyond, but open to people from across Derbyshire.