Congratulations to John Duckworth M55 who has been selected for the England Team at Interland in The Netherlands in early March. John is part of a team of 48 athletes aged 14–65, who will travel together by coach to...
East Midlands League Event
Level: C (Regional)
30/9 – Controllers comments now added.
We’re sorry the results were delayed. We have now removed control 124 from VSGreen, SGreen, Green, Blue and Brown.
A note from Sally, the planner:
Thank you for coming to Calke Park today, we hope you enjoyed your run.
Unfortunately, control 124 was originally put in the wrong place. Later runners were not affected by this, but sadly we must void the control for fairness.
Huge thanks to all the helpers and especially to Paul Goodhead, the organiser and Doug Dickinson, the controller.
Sally Calland
Maze Completers
Well done to those who tackled the Minotaur’s Maze: Leo Booker, Eliza & Hannah Grain, Oliver Richardson, Darwin, Clifford, Oscar & Otis Buxton, Elodie & Emma Booker and Lucy!
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